Code of Conduct
​The Edinburgh International Improv Festival is a celebration of improvised theatre bringing together improvisers, teachers, and audiences from diverse backgrounds to share their talents and engage with the joy of Improv.
This code of conduct outlines the standards of behaviour expected of all participants, including performers, workshop leaders, volunteers, and attendees. We also have a zero tolerance section that participants must abide by. Your participation at the festival means your agreement to our code of conduct.
Any behaviour that violates our zero tolerance rules will result in removal from the festival.
Any behaviour that is discriminatory, harassing, threatening, or intimidating
Recreational drug use
Physical abuse and violent behaviour
Illegal activity that will bring the festival into disrepute or warrant legal action against the Festival
Respectful Environment
The Edinburgh International Improv Festival is firmly committed to cultivating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, ability, or any other personal characteristic. Our aim is to create a space where everyone feels secure, safe, respected, and valued.
Prohibited Behaviours
Prohibited behaviours at our festival include:
Any behaviour that is discriminatory, harassing, abusive, threatening, or intimidating is strictly prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Discriminatory or offensive language or actions
Sexual harassment or assault.
Bullying or intimidation Verbal or physical abuse.
Spreading of rumours or malicious gossip.
Unauthorised recording or distribution of performances or workshop sessions Dishonesty or misrepresentation of oneself or one's work.
Inappropriate or disruptive behaviour in workshops, rehearsals, or performance space.
This list is not exhaustive and applied to all employees, attendees and stakeholders. In all situations, individuals are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner, and to uphold the values of integrity, inclusivity, and mutual respect.
Community Responsibility
We all have a responsibility to contribute to the maintenance of a respectful and inclusive environment. By upholding the principles outlined in this code of conduct we ensure that Edinburgh International Improv Festival remains a place where everyone feels valued and respected. If you observe or become aware of any conduct that contravenes this code of conduct, we encourage you to promptly address the situation and motivate the individuals involved to modify their behaviour accordingly where appropriate.
Personal Responsibility
Improv by its nature holds an element of unpredictability. Where as we cannot guarantee safe spaces, we can ensure held spaces for people to safely express any concerns or issues. With this, should you at any point feel triggered or uncomfortable during a workshop or performance, please enact your personal responsibility to remove yourself from the situation if you feel it is needed. We always advise the addressing of situations, but encourage personal wellbeing as an initial process when needed.
Reporting Issues and Concerns
If you witness or experience any form of prohibited behaviour during the festival, we encourage you to contact us via email
We will respond to the message within 24 hours and the incident will be fully investigated within 15 days. If you would prefer to report anonymously please click here and you will be redirected to a reporting form that will not take your personal details.
Safeguarding Officers
The Festival has two Safeguarding officers operating during festival hours. If something requires immediate attention or you wish to report an issue in person, you can contact them via phone or ask any member of Festival staff to contact them. Our officers are volunteers and are not medical professionals, but will be able to assist in directing you to the relevant people should medical (physical or psychological) intervention be required. Contact details for these officers will be sent to all participants via email nearer to the Festival.
We appreciate your cooperation in creating a safe and welcoming environment for all participants.